Monday, 14 July 2014

Perfect Nose | US Dr’s Formula | Belvedere News

An American doctor claims to have found the formula for a perfectly shaped nose – like the Duchess of Cambridge.

Rhinoplasty-Belvedere Clinic
Rhinoplasty at the Belvedere Clinic

Doctor discovers formula for perfect nose

If you’re one of the 10 per cent of Brits who isn’t happy with the shape of their nose then you’re in luck – scientists have discovered the formula for the perfect nose.
According to boffins at New York University the perfect nose is upturned to 106 degrees – like Kate Beckinsale, Kate Middleton and Scarlett Johansson.
The news has come out of a comprehensive study by Dr Omar Ahmed, who claims that this perfect angle not only makes your nose look better, but has the power to make the rest of our facial features look better.
With nose surgery always popular among clients, around 3,891 rhinoplasty operations are carried out in Britain each year - now there’s a magic formula for the perfect nose that number could rise.
According to Dr Ahmed, the search for the formula has been ‘elusive and ongoing for decades’ – but now it appears to have been ended.
So why not contact us today to see if the formula can be applied to you and whether it will suit you – and perhaps you too could look like Jessica Biel or the Duchess of Cambridge.